Jaume Pinya began his artistic activity in 1979 participating in various exhibitions of experimental poetry in Paris, Milan, Liverpool, Munich, Stutgart, Rome, Padua and other cities. His paintings were exhibited for the first time in Zaragoza (Spain) Pata Gallery Gallo. His work has been exhibited in Soller, Felanitx, Palma, Ibiza, Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Cairo, Castellfranco (Venezia), Turin and Frankfurt, among other places. He has participated in art fairs in Arco (Madrid), Cologne (Germany) and Turin (Italy). His work is present in private collections • Paris, Milan, Madrid, San Francisco (USA), Miami, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Palma, Soller and Zaragoza.
From 1999 until 2009 he participated in archaeological excavations of the Chalcolithic period in the Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca).
The artist practiced the art of Teulografia on the traditional building of Majorcan’s architecture. In 2009 organized with the support of the Fornalutx Town hall (Majorca) and Standing-Room of painted-tiles in the house Can Xoroi.
Today he paints, tries to make a garden and ponders about the possibilities of art to survive.
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Jaume Pinya inicia la seva activitat artística al 1979 participant en diverses exposicions de Poesia Experimental a Paris, Milano, Liverpool, Munic, Stuttgart, Roma, Padova i altres ciutats europees. Exposa la seva pintura per primera vegada a Saragossa (Espanya) a la Galeria Pata Gallo. La seva obra ha estat exposada a Sóller, Felanitx, Palma, Eivissa, Barcelona, Madrid, Màlaga, El Cairo, Castellfranco (Veneto), Torino i Frankfurt, entre altres llocs. Ha participat a les fires d’art d’Arco (Madrid), Colònia (Alemanya) i Torino (Itàlia). La seva obra està present en col·leccions particulars de Paris, Milano, Madrid, San Francisco (USA), Miami, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Palma, Sóller i Saragossa.
De 1999 fins a l’any 2009 participa en excavacions arqueològiques del periode calcolític a la Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca).
Practica l’art de la Teulografia, fent intervencions en edificis d’arquitectura popular de Mallorca. El 2009 organitza a expenses de l’Ajuntament de Fornalutx (Mallorca) una sala permanent de teules pintades en el casal de Can Xoroi.
En l’actualitat pinta, tracta de fer un jardí i medita sobre les possibilitats de sobreviure a l’art.